How to file a 1094-C / 1094-B correction

  • Updated

When you create or import a 1095-B or 1095-C form, you’ll be required to complete a 1094-C or 1094-B transmittal before you can add the form to your order. You can edit this transmittal without filing a correction before you place the order. After placing the order, the transmittal can only be edited by filing a correction

Making 1094 transmittal corrections before the order is placed

  1. On the Home page find the appropriate 1095 forms and click Finish transmittal or Not in cart (view transmittal) in the Status column. Both links will take you to the appropriate 1094-B or 1094-C form.

    Image of the Home page with a callout on the transmittal statuses of two forms.

    The status of your 1095 form will say Finish transmittal if you haven’t filled out its corresponding 1094-B or 1094-C form. You can’t add the 1095 form to your cart if its status says Finish transmittal.

  2. On the 1094 page, edit the fields and click Save. Before placing an order for the form, you can repeat this editing process as many times as you need to.

    Image of a 1094-C form with a callout on the Save button.

Making corrections for a 1094-C after filing

  1. Go to Order History.

    Image of the Home page with a callout on the Order History button.

  2. Click the order number that contains the filer with the non-authoritative 1094-B or 1094-C that you would like to correct.

    Image of the Order History page with a callout on the Order Number column.

  3. On the Order Details page, click the link for any of the forms listed in the Transmittal Status column. This will bring you to a copy of the 1094-B or 1094-C that you previously filed.

    Image of the Order Details page with a callout on the transmittal status column.

    The link in the Transmittal Status column will be shown as either Transmittal Accepted by the IRS, Transmittal Accepted with Errors by the IRS, or Transmittal Rejected by the IRS, Review and Re-Save.

  4. To start editing, click Create Correction and make your edits.

    Image of a 1094-C form with a callout on the Create Correction button.

  5. When you finish editing the information, click Save.

    Image of a 1094-C form with a callout on the Save button.

  6. If you need to submit an authoritative transmittal, select the checkbox in item 19. The Save button will change to Next Step.

    Image of a 1094-C form with a callout on box 19.

  7. Click Next Step to access Part II, Part III, and possibly Part IV (depending on the options you select) of the 1094-C authoritative transmittal form.

    Image of a 1094-C form with a callout on the Next Step button.

  8. In Part II, fill out the appropriate fields with your information, then click Next Step.

    Image of a 1094-C Part two form with a callout on the Next Step button.

  9. In Part III, fill out the appropriate fields. Then click Complete Transmittal. This will send your corrected 1094-C authoritative transmittal to the IRS.

    Image of a 1094-C part 3 form with a callout on the Complete Transmittal button.

    eFileMyForms doesn‘t charge an additional fee for this service.

  10. Confirm that your 1094-C authoritative transmittal was accepted by the IRS. This generally happens within 7 days of filing. You can check the status of your transmittal on the Order History page.

You only need to file one 1094-C authoritative transmittal per filer for each tax year.

Making corrections for a 1094-B after filing

  1. Go to Order History.

    Image of the Home page with a callout on the Order History button.

  2. Click the order number that contains the filer with the non-authoritative 1094-B or 1094-C that you would like to correct.

    Image of the Order History page with a callout on the Order Number column.

  3. On the Order Details page, click the link for any of the forms listed in the Transmittal Status column. This will bring you to a copy of the 1094-B that you previously filed.

    Image of the Order Details page with a callout on the Transmittal Status column.

  4. On the copy of your 1094-B you can edit box 3, box 4, your signature, and your title. Make your changes then click Save.

    Image of a 1094-B form with a callout on the Save button.


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