How to file 1099, 1098, W-2, 1042-S corrections

  • Updated

You can only file a correction after your form(s) has the Accepted by the IRS/SSA or Rejected by the IRS/SSA status. If your form has the Pending Transfer status you can edit the form’s amounts, filers, and recipients. If the form has the Submitted to the IRS or SSA status, you can’t make any edits or file any corrections.

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Making form corrections before IRS/SSA filing

  1. Click Order History.

    Image of the Home page with a callout on the Order History button.

  2. Click the Order number of the order that has the form you want to correct.

    Image of the Order History page with a callout on the Order Number column.

  3. On the Order Details page, click the form that you want to correct. For this example, we’ll be correcting a 1099-MISC form.

    Image of the Order Details page with a callout on the Forms column.

  4. You’ll be shown a copy of the form that you selected. On this page, you can freely edit the different boxes. If you want to edit the filer or recipient boxes, click Edit Filer, Replace Filer, or Replace Recipient.

    Image of an example 1099-MISC form with a callout on the Edit Filer, Replace Filer, and Replace Recipient buttons.

  5. When you finish making your corrections, click Save Form.

Making form corrections after IRS/SSA filing

  1. Click Order History.

    Image of the Home page with a callout on the Order History button.

  2. Click the Order number of the order that has the form you want to correct.

    Image of the Order History page with a callout on the Order Number column.

  3. On the Order Details page, click the form that you want to correct. For this example, we’ll be correcting a 1099-MISC form.

    Image of the Order Details page with a callout on the Forms column.

  4. Click Amount Correction. A pop-up window will appear.

    Image of an example 1099-MISC form with a callout on the Amount Correction button.

  5. In the pop-up window, click OK.

    Image of an eFileMyForms confirmation pop-up window with a callout on the OK button.

  6. On the Correcting Form page, you can edit the amounts in the various fields. When you finish, click Save Form. This will add the corrected form to your Home screen.

    Image of an example 1099-MISC correction form with a callout on the Save Form button.

    The Corrected box will be selected on this copy of the form.

  7. On the Home screen, find your corrected form and add it to your cart.

    Image of the Home page with a callout on the newly created form correction.

  8. Go through the checkout process and place an order for your corrected form.

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