How to email a form

  • Updated

You can email PDF copies of forms to recipients for their personal use.

Forms can only be emailed after the order has been placed and sent to the IRS or SSA.

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Step-by-step guide

  1. Click Order History on the top menu.

    Image of the eFileMyForms home page with a callout on the Order History tab.

  2. Click the Order Number you would like to view. This will take you to the Order Details page.

    Image of the Order History page with a callout on the order number column.

  3. On the Order Details page, click the Envelope Icon under the Email tab.

    Image of the Order Details page with a callout on the email button.

  4. When the Email Recipient window opens, enter the recipient’s email address and your contact email. You also have the option to include a note in the email.

    Image of the Email Recipient window.

    If you choose to include a custom message, be sure to select the Check to include the following note in the email box.

  5. Under Form Copy to Email, select the copy, or copies, you would like to email to that recipient.

    Image of the Email Recipient window with a callout on the From Copy to Email button.

  6. Click Send Email.

    Image of the Email Recipient window with a callout on the Send Email button.

The recipient will need a password to open their forms. The password is predetermined and follows this format: First 5 digits of their TIN, then a dash, and then the first 5 digits of their Zip Code.

Example: If the SSN is 123-45-6789 and the Zip Code is 98765, the password is 12345-98765.

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