How to add and edit recipients

  • Updated

In this guide, sample information will be used. When adding or editing a recipient make sure you enter information that’s appropriate for you.

Adding a new recipient

1. Click the Recipients tab to go to the Recipients page.


Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 3.27.39 PM.png


2. Before adding a recipient, make sure you have selected the filer you want the recipient added to. Select your filer by clicking the For filer dropdown menu and then clicking the filer.


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3. After selecting your filer, click Add New Recipient.


Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 3.30.53 PM.png

4. On the New Recipient page, enter all relevant information about the recipient. All the required fields for creating a recipient are highlighted in blue. When you’re finished entering your information click Save.

5. After clicking Save, your recipient will be created and can be viewed or edited on the Recipients page.


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Editing a recipient

1. On the Recipients page, select the recipient you want to edit by clicking the checkbox at the beginning of the row.


Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 3.36.21 PM.png


2. After selecting the recipient, click Edit Recipient.


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3. On the Recipient page, edit the information as needed. When you’re finished click Save.


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