Converting your Excel files to eFileMyForms’ import file format will help simplify the importing process.
It also allows the Auto Map feature to assist you with greater accuracy. The import file format allows Auto Map to read the column headers in your file and automatically map each header to the appropriate field on your form.
Always double-check your form after using Auto Map to make sure nothing has been mismatched.
- In the eFileMyForms import file format, each column header is a category, such as Recipient name or TIN number, that we refer to as labels. In the first row of each column, enter these column labels.
- When you finish creating your column header, enter your information into each cell.
During the Excel import process, eFileMyForms will recognize each row, except the first, as its own form. Rows with no information will be ignored.
This image shows an example of column headings created for a 1099-MISC form.
- When you begin mapping the Excel file, the column headers you created will be listed next to the form you’re mapping your data to. You can map the data in your file by dragging and dropping your headings into the appropriate fields.
- You can also click Auto Map and eFileMyForms will map your data to the corresponding fields based on your column headers. Auto Map works best when your Excel file is in the standard import mapping format.
You can download sample import files for all form types from eFileMyForms. These Excel files are already in the eFileMyForms’ standard import mapping format.
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