How to save an Excel file in tab-delimited format

  • Updated

The data shown in these Excel sheets is sample data from eFileMyForms. Please use your own information when importing data.

  1. Open the file in Excel in your browser or desktop app.

  2. Make sure that the information that you would like to save is in the first sheet of the Excel file.

    Image of a sample Excel sheet with a callout on the page tab titled Sheet1.

If your information isn't in the first sheet of the Excel file, move the sheet with the information to the front or remove any other tabs that are in front of it by right-clicking on the tabs and selecting Delete.

  1. Click File in the upper left corner of the Excel sheet.

    Image of an Excel sheet with a callout on the File button.

  2. Click Save a Copy then click the file type drop-down menu.

    Image of the Save a Copy screen with a callout on the Save a Copy button and the file type drop-down tab.

    • To save as Tab-Delimited (.tab): Select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt).

      Image of the file type menu with a callout on the Tab delimited file type.

    • To save as Comma Separated Values (.csv): Select CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv).

      Image of the file type menu with a callout on the Comma Separated Values file type

  3. Choose the destination folder for saving the file.
  4. Click Save.

    Image of the Save a Copy screen with a callout on the save button.

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