In cases where there is no need to send a copy of a filing to a recipient, we offer our electronic filing (eFiling) service. With our eFiling Only service, you can submit your filings electronically to the IRS/SSA in a quick and timely manner.
If you use the eFile Only service you won't be able to print or mail the form(s) later.
Using the eFiling Only service
- Start by entering your filers, recipients, and filing information into our data entry pages. You can also upload your information to us with a comma-delimited text, tab-delimited text, or Excel® file.
- After you're done entering your forms, add the forms to your shopping cart and use our simple checkout process to pay for them.
- We will electronically transmit your filings to the appropriate tax reporting agency before their filing deadlines.
Filing deadlines can only be reached if your order is paid for on or before the submission dates that we indicate after you log in.
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