How to complete your 1094 transmittal for ACA 1095 forms

  • Updated

Before you can start the 1094 transmittals for ACA 1095 form you need to have filled out at least one ACA 1095 form. The transmittal process comes after you created a new form and placed order. For help adding a new form, read our How to Start a Manual Filing Entry article.

  1. Create or import an ACA 1095 form in eFileMyForms. When the form is added, it will appear on your Home page along with other forms you’ve added.

    Image of the Home page.

  2. From the Home page you can find your transmittal forms by clicking the In cart (view transmittal) or Not in cart (view transmittal) links in the Status column.

    Image of the Home page with callouts on the transmittal links in the status column

  3. Clicking the link will take you to a 1094 transmittal form for the 1095 form you selected. Here you can review your information. You can also edit the contact name, contact telephone number, and signature.

    Image of a blank 1094-B form.

  4. When you finish reviewing your transmittal form, click Save.

    Image of a 1094-B form with a callout on the Save button.

  5. Your 1094 transmittal is now complete, and you can add the form to your cart when you’re ready.

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