How to reset your password

  • Updated

Resetting your password on the login page

1. Go to the eFileMyForms login page.
2. Click the plus icon in front of Forgot Password.
3. Enter your email in the Email address field and click Reset Password.


The eFileMyForms login page with a callout on the 'Forgot Password?' section.


You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. If you don’t receive this email in your inbox, check your spam folder. If the email isn’t in your spam folder either, contact the eFileMyForms support team for help.

Updating your password

1. Click the tab with your account name.


The eFileMyForms 'Welcome' page with a callout on the 'Account' tab.


2. Select Reset Password from the account tab.


The 'Account' menu with a callout on the 'Reset Password' button.


3. On the Reset Password page, enter your old password and your desired new password into the appropriate fields. When you finish, click Update Password. This will complete the password update process.


The 'Reset Password' page with a callout on the 'Update Password' button.

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